b. 1985, Southside Virginia.
download CV (pdf)
CONTACT: chaneyeh@gmail.com

Over the past several years, my efforts have centered on organizing context-sensitive gatherings that elicit dialogue around certain moments of land use in Bajalta California. The happening itself+the links mapped during the occasion constitute one part of the work; another surfaces through the traces that found the production of media+presentation environments, as documented/archived + indexed HERE.

My pedagogical background, elaborated through efforts coordinating the production of works+projects to be analyzed via group discussion in a classroom setting, reverberates. That is, the production of forums for critical dialogue around a given theme or issue is a central part of my arts practice; likewise, it is foundational to my aims as a teacher.

Un portafolio de proyectos elaborados por mis estudiantes está disponible por ACÁ.

Extending from a conviction in the value that critically informed civilian involvement in the planning and development of works and programs offers to public life, I work with agencies between Tijuana and San Diego to produce and promote community programming in the binational region.

Hay más información al respecto disponible por ACÁ.